Press Releases
Review of Civil Service Pay Policy and System - Interim Report of Phase I Study and Consultation Paper
The three advisory bodies on civil service pay and conditions of service announced today the publication of an interim report and a consultation paper on Phase One of their review on civil service pay policy and system.
The review is conducted by a Task Force set up by the three advisory bodies in January 2002, upon the Administration's invitation. It is conducted in two phases, with Phase One being an analytical study on recent developments and best practices in pay administration in other countries.
The Task Force appointed a consultant to carry out an analytical study on the latest development in civil service pay administration in Australia, Canada, New Zealand, Singapore and the United Kingdom.
The Consultant submitted its interim report to the Task Force in mid-April. Having studied the Consultant's interim findings, the Task Force has decided that at this point in time, it would like to maintain an open mind. Instead, views from all quarters on a series of questions grouped under five specific areas of study will be sought before the consultation period ends on 25 May 2002.
After considering all views expressed during the consultation period, the Task Force will produce its final report in July 2002. Thereafter, the three advisory bodies will make recommendations to the Administration in the second half of 2002 on the conduct of the second-phase review.
Copies of the consultation paper and a related pamphlet are available from District Offices. The interim report of the Task Force can be viewed on the website of the Joint Secretariat for the advisory
Joint Secretariat
25 April 2002